“INTO THE HEART OF BORNEO” – The Vanishing Tribes

“INTO THE HEART OF BORNEO” - The Vanishing Tribes (6D/5N)

Tour Introductions

Tour Itinerary

What's Included


“INTO THE HEART OF BORNEO” - The Vanishing Tribes (6D/5N)

A reclusive tour package retailing the route (and more) of Redmond O’Hanlon, Author of the book “Into the Heart of Borneo”

The upper reaches of the Rejang River, longest in Malaysia has got so much to offer but all these secrets cannot be unveiled all these years due to the absence of trained Tourist Guides in the area. As such, we shall excurse via Kuching with our trained Tourist Guide to bring out the utmost and the best from “Into the Heart of Borneo”©. It’s More Than a Paradise (Copyright © Sarawak Tourism Board) along the majestic Rejang River from the authentic point of view.

Rejang River system possesses a waterway that flows for 560km (+ Balui basin, it totals 720km) allowing you to experience the scenic local express boats and longboat trips; sights of the infamous Pelagus Rapids, Kelirieng and Salong (Orang Ulu Burial Poles and huts respectively) and longhouses of at least 6 different ethnic native groups; witnessing long-eared native women, tattooed men and woman and varied costumed dancers; observing the rarest of small fauna, edible and medicinal plants; and the list goes on…

Tour Informations

Tour Codes : EGH/MHB 06

Duration : 6 DAYS 5 NIGHTS

Group Size : 1-8 paxs

For groups of larger sizes they shall be split up into alternate groups. The departure dates shall remain the same however the journey will be on a stagered basis. This is to insure sustainability & low tourist impact on the places visited.

Via : Sibu (Central Hub of Sarawak)


Meet & greet in Sibu then transfer to hotel for check in. Afternoon, proceed for a walking tour of the Sibu Central Market (biggest in Malaysia), Sibu Heritage Museum and the Pagoda. Evening, general briefing over a local dinner before exploring the Night Market. Overnight in the hotel.
Breakfast in the hotel. Morning – proceed on foot to Sibu Boat Terminal for a 2½-hour exciting express boat journey to Kapit, a small township dominated by Ibans and Chinese, along the bank of Rejang River. Upon arrival at Kapit, proceed direct to visit the Resident’s Office to obtain the Permit for remote travel. Lunch ( own expenses ) Check in to the hotel. Rest of the day, visit Fort Sylvia, Kapit Museum and Teresang native market. ( Dinner own expenses ) Overnight in the hotel.

After breakfast, pack and leave for Belaga by express boat for about 3 hours negotiating the infamous Pelagus Rapids. Upon arrival in Belaga Town, have lunch (own expenses) before continuing the journey by longboat (about 1½ hours depending on the water level) to go further upriver to visit a Kejaman Longhouse. Upon arrival, tour the longhouse and its surroundings to observe their lifestyle, witness their daily chores, most notably the ancient burial pole of their paramount chiefs. Evening, have a local dinner followed by witnessing the Kejaman welcome dance. Overnight in the Kejaman longhouse.

After breakfast, start the day with a longhouse hopping spree in a longboat visiting the Kayan, Lahanan and Sekapan Tribes. These are part of the vanishing tribes least heard of by tourist and live in small comunities that even the locals have very little or no knowledge of them.
Along the boat journey, take a vigilant surveillance of the mystical sights of the Keliriengs and Salongs ( Ancient burial grounds ) of the Orang Ulu, dotting the tropical rainforest alongside the gigantic Rejang. Have lunch in one of the longhouses.
Conclude the day with dinner, witnessing Datun Julud, a traditional rhythmic hornbill welcome dance and overnight at a Kenyah Longhouse Village.

After breakfast, depart for Sibu by express boat. Check in to hotel. Rest of the day, free at leisure until a farewell dinner at a local classic restaurant. Overnight in the hotel.
Breakfast in the hotel. Free and easy until pick up for transfer to Sibu Airport for your onwards journey. The tour ends in Sibu


Things You Should Know :

* Connecting flights to Kuching or Kuala Lumpur are available daily.

* Kindly wear life jackets as the boats will pass through notorious Pelagus rapids and a number of smaller sets of rapids before reaching Belaga.

* Some express boats are equipped with central control air conditioning system. As the impact is stronger in the small rooming capacity, participants are advised to bring along their sweater or windbreaker


March – October (Not Recommended during Monsoon Season Nov - Feb & dry season or when the water level is low)



